Work With Me

Six-Week Kickstart!

You feel the need to do something to change your life, but you're not sure where to start.  You hear of so many healing techniques, gurus, and coaches.  This 6-week life coaching program is an ideal way to get started.  Everyone has their unique energy system, and design, together we will delve into it all and figure out what's best for you! 

This package includes- Weekly Eft sessions, matrix reimprinting, coaching, and breathwork! You will receive daily affirmations, and music mantras to help you begin the reprogramming and shedding of your old beliefs so you can begin the life you want, and deserve. 


Breathwork Ceremony

Do you want to bring your community and friends together or connect more to your partner or loved ones?  Do you want to align more with your business partners and bring strength and power to your team?  There is something special and powerful about breathing together, all joining forces with the same intention! 

I will come to you, contact me for rates, I also do personal individual sessions. 

Eft Sessions

Package of 10 (90-minute personal session )

EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

If you are new to EFT tapping  90-minute session contact me for rates and availability.