Discover the power of emotional freedom tecnique!

What is EFT?

In essence, it is a psychological version of acupuncture (which is meridian therapy) but instead of using needles to stimulate the meridian points, we gently tap on a sequence of energy points, whilst using spoken affirmations to focus directly on the emotional issue.  This enables negative emotions to be released to the surface where they can be more easily processed.

The tapping communicates directly to the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that holds onto trauma and stress.  As it does not understand spoken language, the tapping sends pulses to the energy system to help the emotional trauma to discharge.

Most of us at some point in our lives will encounter an emotional stumbling block that we find hard to overcome.  When we are in a stressed and anxious state, we can often become consumed by destructive emotions such as anger, resentment, and guilt.  Our behaviors then become restricted by our own fears, and we can develop self-sabotaging patterns resulting in low self-esteem and feelings of being unworthy.


With Eft I can show you how to safely release these emotional blocks. By working with both your conscious and subconscious mind, I can help you clear the layers of suppressed emotional baggage and overcome any limiting beliefs.


 The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.  With EFT (emotional freedom technique) we can tap away all the negativity, fear, and anger, leaving a sense of calm and well-being.


Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting is a powerful tool that I often use in combination with Emotional Freedom Techniques. 

This approach involves accessing and transforming painful memories and past traumas, by visualizing them as if they were held in a matrix or energy field.

Once we have a specific memory, we can shift and release any negative energy from the past, so that it longer has an impact on our present lives. 

I work with clients to reimprint these past experiences with more positive and empowering beliefs, creating new and more supportive patterns and a strong emotional framework.

This is a really powerful technique I use for clients who are holding onto past childhood trauma.


Somatic breathwork techniques can calm the nervous system, and reduce stress and anxiety. Deep, intentional breathing activates the body's relaxation response, helping individuals manage daily stressors.

Connecting to our breath can help people to access and release stored emotions and trauma. The body often holds onto emotional tension, and breathwork can provide a safe and cathartic way to process and release these emotions. 

Somatic breathwork promotes mindfulness and body awareness. By paying attention to how the breath affects different parts of the body, individuals can become more in tune with their physical sensations and emotions.

Proper breathing techniques can increase oxygen intake and improve energy levels. Somatic breathwork can help combat feelings of fatigue and promote vitality. 

Somatic breathwork is sometimes used in trauma therapy to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences. It can provide a safe space for reprocessing trauma and reducing its emotional charge.

Overall, somatic breathwork can be a powerful tool for self-care, self-discovery, and holistic healing, benefiting individuals in both their physical and emotional well-being.


