My Journey

Working as a model and actress: Going through a divorce: Adjusting to life as a single mother: Wanting the best for your child: Dealing with constant stress and negativity.


Believe me, I know how it feels!  That sense of dread that overwhelms you on waking up to yet another day of struggle, and the feeling of hopelessness as you ask yourself ‘will it always be like this?’

You know there is an easier way to live your life but you don’t know where to start.


I knew that I didn’t want to live the rest of my life like this.

That is why I am forever grateful that I discovered my main source of healing through EFT. With this tool I felt like I had permission to release all the anger, resentment, pain, and sadness without judgement.


I started to think of all the other traumatic childhood memories that I had experienced, and how my subconscious mind had formed negative beliefs about myself.  I was unaware of how much these beliefs were impacting my choices and sabotaging my life.


What was worse? I realized that my daughter may be absorbing MY energy… and that was a tough wake-up call.


EFT helped me release my blocked emotions in a safe and appropriate way, leaving me feeling grounded and content. It set me free from my limiting beliefs, and I was finally able to love and accept myself.


I felt in my heart that this was something I needed to share.  I knew that it worked, and I wanted to help others to heal and move forward with their lives, like I had. 


Having discovered it’s power, I then embarked on a journey that eventually shaped me into the certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner that I am today.

After 20 years of being in the entertainment business, I decided to follow my heart and help others who are ready to embrace their healing journey.

We no longer need to live the negative story we tell ourselves each day. I have learned that by using the powerful tool of EFT, we can change our beliefs and free ourselves from limitations and negative patterns.


Our past circumstances do not define our future.


My goal is to give you the freedom to express love easily and to walk this earth with grace and confidence.

Allow me to walk with you while I help you to embrace your true authentic power, and realize your full potential as the beautiful, powerful human being that you are.
